Sunday, April 11, 2010

Let It Be

Everything is just out of control.Everything.
Even my feeling, I know...I cannot control it well.
It is weird.
Am i really too innocent?
Or...This world is the way too complicated?
I feel pain.
For a long time never try such a pain.
I got lost in a maze.
Anyone willing to get me out from here?

Confuse...Who can tell me what is wrong and what is right?
I got the right to choose my own friends.
And I should emphasize that this is my own business.
Who cares?
Just let it be.
Nobody will understand the situation more than I do. =)
I just want a simple life =)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Random post which are meaningful

并 喜欢一咋一呼的说:“滚,滚蛋,坏蛋,笨蛋”。
她 只是很单纯的认为,
她 还是无奈的笑笑
不 会接受,因为不想伤害。
也 会幻想,也会羡慕,
幻想着将来自己的恋爱 该是多么的帅气,
多 么的温柔,多么的甜蜜 这一种女孩子,
即 使没有男朋友,
其 实她只是感觉累了,
恋 爱了一定会好好珍惜。
这 样的女孩子恋爱的时候
这 样的女孩子不允许男孩子的背叛,
她 一定会狠心的离开你。
但 是卑微的爱情她不要,
这 样的女孩子失恋的时候会在别人面前装的很好,
请 你不要说出来,
原 谅她的冷漠, 她只是怕伤害你!
她 没有更多的要求
一 个如花儿般的女孩子,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's been an honor serving with you all

Time flies fast....Here come the end for the 3rd sem & it is the last sem of my university foundation life.....It's maybe the last month for me at Kampar....Well,I try to express my feeling here...Hmm....Time is on of our greatest asset and in this fast moving competitive world....However today I still remember the view of 1st semester when I was having my 1st 5min presentation...

So there was the night before,in the living room talking to the wall...Abit strange you might think and you'd probably right...But I was getting ready for the next day,you see...The wall was the interviewer and I was trying out all my question and answer on it.....I'm not sure that what the writer of the article had in mind when expert said:"Rehearse the situation with a friend",but it seem like a bad idea to me....Anyway...It was all abit of waste of time really...I overslept the next morning and by the time I go there my mind was blanked...LOL....The funnest thing happen in my 1st semester....

Last sem....Was the worst semester for me....I did enjoy too much after my 1st semester and it affect my result of that term.....Well god bless me...its pass in overall CGPA....So forget about it....As long as I knew and I change my attitude for my study in this sem now onward....

Huhu.....3rd sem...In this sem alot thing happen.....Thing happen that I forced to change my life and ILTI examination keep looking for me....Which I only can say sorry to those I abandon and for my group....But lucky all I have in this semester was a strong group, a strong group which organize by KamYeen,Shermaine,Felix & Jia Wen....This group is the best group which I had never meet before in last 2 semester....This group wake me up and make me realise....Teamwork is necessary in a group....And finally I found the group which I really can rely and depend on them....The thing I learn this semester is spirit of the friendship & teamwork.....Which I hope it can last forever....At last....I wanna to say....It's been an honor serving with you all....Thank you my group member...

Weird question:

Sometime I asking myself....What is human?
At last I got my answer and conclusion....Human are a primitive and violent race...(Were we so difference?)Human are a young species,they have much to learn...But I have seen goodness in them...Freedom is the right of all sentient beings....

P/S :
I know that is a sacrifice....But a necessary sacrifice to bring peace... and I will be hiding aside,but watching over you all in secret,waiting & protecting...I have witnessed you all capacity for courage...and though we are worlds apart,like us there is more to them than meets the eye....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Motherhood's Best Kept Secret....

One night,not so long ago....As mum was drifting off to sleep the phone rang....It was a 19 years old boy,who is studying at University in Utar,Kampar calling to say that he had too much of stress and he had been wandering around the city ever since,not knowing what to do...she told him back to home tomorrow....He arrived looking a wreck but after a good sleep and some home cooking,he began to feel his old self again....

The next afternoon he told me more n more n more....A moment arrived when she couldn't help asking herself..."should I be hearing of this?"....It wasn't that she was shocked....The boy reminded her of herself in her own student years,but with 1 important difference....She would never ever have confided in her parents this way....

Girls we knew then were fairly open with their mothers,but none of my male contemporaries would ever have admitted asking their mothers for advice...Despite all our talk about how important it was for a men to let down their defences and learn how to express their feelings, most of us still secretly felt that any man who depended on his mother too much was a bit of a mummy's boy....

However,mother can expect to be relied on almost indefinitely for the type of advice that call on her experience of the outside world...A generation ago,it was accepted that son would eventually leave their mothers to join the world of men and work....Mothers put their 18years in and then opened the door to allow their sons to move into jobs for life....

But things don't work that way anymore....In a world of short-term contract,downsizing and redundancy...Even the most promising and ambitious of our children will go through many career highs and lows during their twenties and whenever they hit those depths, many of them will return to the nest...A typical son will continue to be at least partly dependent on his mother well past the age of 18....

Many of her friends are surprised at this reluctance of their 20-something sons to break away....But always remember this "Mums have always been easier to talk to,they are more cuddly than their father and son realize early on that their mother are more accepting of human frailty.."

They are also better able to see through the mask of apparent self confidence...When the boy was growing up,mother always maintained a fairly invincible front...The boy early imaginary play involved sieges,ambushes and surprise attacks...She starting point,though was always a danger against which the boy needed to defend himself and yet the boy used the game to convince himself that "I could PREVAIL..."

When the boy got older and had to go to University with other teenager...All too often there were situation in which she didn't....Mother had to teach the boy how to put put new defences so that his rougher classmate would not see his weaknesses....

In the boy teens,his mum used many of these same tricks to keep him at a bay...If his mum drop him anywhere to meet his friends, the boy insisted her to drop him off out of sight of where they were waiting...But occasionally,a confidential mood would come over him and he would tell her whatever happened to be on his mind....

A friends told her too...Now a days sons will tell mum more than their fathers told their mother,because mother have brought us up to do so....Our norm has been to empathize with children when they tell parent about their actions or feelings, whereas the previous generation tended to be shocked...

And there is another important change...Most of mother took pains to reassure their son that it was okay for them to show physical affection or cry when they were upset...If the boy are not so anxious now about showing their emotion,mother efforts in this are have not been in vain...This seems to be backed up by research,which shows that boys call their mothers on their mobile phones more than anyone else....

But don't assume that girls are any tougher than boys....Daughter need their mothers too....Certainly I know how much my sister need my mother...But this continuing mother-daughter bond is something that I expected....

What mother didn't anticipate was for the same thing to happen to his son....She assumed she would lose him,just like all the experts said....It maybe that they were wrong all alone that the sons have always confided in their mothers and just made sure that no one else knew.....Have mother stumbled on motherhood's best kept secret?? Even if she have...It doesn't diminish her sense of wonder....It still like getting a present to her which never expected...

She= The Mother
Him= The boy
By:Terrance Tan